Third partners meeting of the project CarINg

Third partners meeting of the project CarINg

On Friday 11th February 2022, the third partners meeting of the CarINg project was held in Milan, at the University of Bicocca. During the meeting participants talked about the progress of the project activities and started to plan the next activities that will involve both young careleavers and professionals of the alternative care services of Florence and Prato.

Regarding the activities that have already been carried out, Researchers of the Bicocca University shared with the participants the first results of the consultation meetings with young care leavers that took place between October and December 2021. Participants had the opportunity to discuss the meaning of participation and explore the real possibilities of participation in the decision-making processes concerning their daily choices and their life project within the alternative care system. In particular, based on the experienced they shared  a list of operational tips was elaborated. This list will be a starting point for the following phases of the project activities.

Concerning the professionals, the project partner SOS Villaggi dei Bambini had the opportunity to share with the participants the results of the first phase of the training “Preparing for Autonomy”. The aim of the activity is on the one hand to stimulate social workers to reflect on how to improve the experience of boys and girls leaving care and on the other hand to acquire knowledge and skills useful to support them during the exit process. The second phase of the training is scheduled for April 2022 and will be a valuable opportunity to gather suggestions and ideas for improving the leaving care system.

The return of the first results of the two activities was an opportunity for all the partners to share opinions, reflections and comments useful for the construction of the next phases of the project, which will see, on the one hand, the creation of a new cycle of meetings aimed at care leavers for the creation of a participatory video documentary and, on the other hand, a series of moments of consultation and planning of the activities with the professionals of the care services of the two territories.


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